Zerene Stacker

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Linux Installation Instructions

The current distribution package for Linux consists of a .zip archive that unpacks to produce a hierarchy of files as follows:

  ZereneStacker            top level directory 
      ZereneStacker.bsh      launch script 
      ZereneStacker.jar      jar containing the application 
      JREextensions          directory containing numerous .jar files 
      jre                    directory containing a Sun Java Runtime Environment for Linux
                               (32-bit or 64-bit as appropriate)

The launch script assumes that the archive is unpacked into the user's home directory.

If it is unpacked to a different location, then you must edit the ZereneStacker.bsh launch script so that the symbol appdir points to the location where you unpacked the .zip file.

As distributed, the script says


With appdir properly set, executing the launch script should start Zerene Stacker, producing first a splash screen and then a full GUI as shown in the online documentation.

stacker/docs/linux_installation_instructions.1302763502.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2011/04/14 06:45 by rjlittlefield
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