Zerene Stacker

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Zerene Stacker Beta Testing Downloads

Looking for an explanation of how our “beta channel” works? See HERE for an explanation.

Note: Because these beta versions are downloaded relatively few times, they are sometimes not recognized as known good software by anti-malware packages. You may have to override your anti-malware's behavior of refusing to run unrecognized software.

If you have other security concerns about the beta installers, please see How To Validate A Download.

Current beta is:

  • macOS (Intel cpu): ZS-MacOSX-SA-T2022-03-26-1023-beta.zip, downloads as a .zip file that automatically expands into an application bundle named ZereneStacker (.app).
    This is the recommended bundle for modern Intel Macs running macOS 10.14 or above. It is self-contained and includes its own Java 17 runtime environment.
    Length 48,405,150 bytes
    MD5 checksum 80235b27944d130a31b82656d5a25568
    SHA-1 checksum df93dc1a98608253c9fe6c6cde9a72aac9397a97
  • macOS (M-series ARM cpu): ZS-MacOSX-ARM-SA-T2022-03-26-1023-beta.zip, downloads as a .zip file that automatically expands into an application bundle named ZereneStacker (.app).
    This is the recommended bundle for modern Macs with ARM cpu (“Apple silicon”). It is self-contained and includes its own ARM-native Java 17 runtime environment. Rosetta is required for the launch program and a few helper programs – so macOS will report the package as “Intel” – but all the heavy computation runs ARM-native.
    Length 47,207,281 bytes
    MD5 checksum abbca784738054d5a095747eb46afeec
    SHA-1 checksum baa5f24352aaf58042bdba61452d495a452079e7
  • macOS (interim): ZS-MacOSXinterim-SA-T2022-03-26-1023-beta.zip, downloads as a .zip file that automatically expands into an application bundle named ZereneStacker (.app).
    This bundle is suitable for Macs running macOS 10.9 through 10.14. It is self-contained and includes its own Java runtime environment.
    Length 52,550,515 bytes
    MD5 checksum b15c89f6d2f4ad3b232f818db1126c78
    SHA-1 checksum 5aa45c9958ff29e8bec1be13d71bb4cc1e4fa99d
  • Mac OS X (old): ZS-MacOSXold-SA-T2022-03-26-1023-beta.zip, downloads as an application bundle named ZereneStacker (.app).
    This bundle is not self-contained. It requires a Java runtime environment installed by Apple, and will prompt for installation of Java if one is not already installed. It runs as 64-bit where the processor and operating system support it, and as 32-bit otherwise.
    Length 8,671,254 bytes
    MD5 checksum 5a4f495b9a969360c3fe6dac2eee2934
    SHA-1 checksum d4a3ebb56cb6561006d24a95e3308cb35c03b50a

Note: On Macintosh and Linux, if you already have Zerene Stacker installed and are downloading a new version to update it, then you need to manually move the old version to trash, and move or rename the new version to replace it. Otherwise both versions will continue to be available, and you will run whichever one you happen to click on. For further information, see the FAQS on “Installing and Updating”. On Mac, when trashing out the old version, do NOT allow any third party uninstaller or cleanup applications like “AppCleaner” to run. In their enthusiasm to eliminate files that they think are not used, they're likely to also delete files you really do need, like your license key and Zerene Stacker configuration files.


Compared to the previous beta T2022-03-19-1717-beta, this T2022-03-26-1023-beta.exe incorporates the following improvements.

  • New features:
    • Automatic save project on new or renamed output image (feature controlled at Options > Preferences > Project Settings, enabled by default).
    • Renamed output images are also renamed in file system on project save (including automatic saves).
    • Files with extension .txt are allowed in project folders and folders of images.
  • DOF and stereo calculators dynamically update to reflect newly opened project.
  • Bug fixes:
    • Closing project with stereo view active left an image displayed.
    • Switching projects via drag-and-drop bypassed close code and could discard a modified project without warning.

Compared to the current full release T2022-03-12-1935, this T2022-03-26-1023-beta.exe incorporates the following improvements:

  • Performance:
    • Faster reading and writing .zsy files (Output Images).
    • Faster save output image immediately after stacking.
  • Bug fixes:
    • Added diagnostic printout, “Developer.TracebackImageDisposes=true”.
    • Avoid unnecessary re-reading of .zsy file caused by pre-sizing.
    • Avoid hanging the GUI on certain file reading errors.
    • Avoid resetting modification date of project folder when opening old projects.

And compared to the previous full release T2021-10-12-2040, this T2022-03-26-1023-beta.exe also includes:

  • New function: view existing stereo pair
  • New feature: Options > Preferences > Preprocessing > “Sort new files in reverse order”.
  • New option for {datetime:format} to image naming template.
  • StackShot: avoid exceeding firmware limit for maximum rail speed steps/second.
  • User interface:
    • Stereo calculator, added more precision in display values.
    • Changed initial setting: Default to hand cursor (pan/zoom tool) when stereo previewing.
    • Relabeled button: “Stop Preview” –> “Stop Stereo View”.
  • Bug fixes:
    • Avoid out-of-memory error caused by badly formatted Exif data.
    • Avoid rare crash due to race condition in retouching.

Please immediately inform support@zerenesystems.com if you encounter any difficulties or odd behavior with this beta version. Be sure to send a console log if appropriate – instructions for that are provided HERE.

A complete list of modifications can be read in the Modification History.

Immediately previous beta was:

stacker/softwaredownloads/currentbeta.1648402517.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/03/27 17:35 by rjlittlefield
Copyright 2009-2024, Zerene Systems LLC, all rights reserved.