Zerene Stacker

Zerene Stacker — Student Edition

What is the Student Edition? Zerene Stacker Student Edition is a reduced-price license intended specifically to help out starving students.

We can’t actually tell about “starving”, of course, but we do ask for some documentation about “student”.

The license terms require that “… the user must be enrolled in a degree- or certificate-granting program at an accredited educational institution or an officially approved home-school program.”

How do I order Student Edition?

First, you send Zerene Systems some evidence of meeting the criteria.

You do that by sending an email to studentedition@zerenesystems.com, as follows. (Fill in the blanks with your own information. If you are under 13 years of age, please get an adult to prepare and send the email.)

  Dear Zerene Systems,
  I want to purchase a Student Edition of Zerene Stacker.
  I certify that (name of student) is enrolled as a student 
  in (name of program) at (name of institution or home-school program).
  I understand that the Student Edition can be used only by that person 
  while he or she continues to be a student, and that using Zerene Stacker 
  after graduation or withdrawal from the program will require upgrading 
  to a Personal, Prosumer, or Professional Edition license, as appropriate.
  (name of person sending email)

After receiving that email, Zerene Systems will reply to you with an email that contains a link to a FastSpring order page for Zerene Stacker Student Edition.

When you receive the link, just visit it with your browser and place your order through the FastSpring secure ordering system.

What do I do when I graduate?

First, you celebrate! Graduations are happy events!

When you get done celebrating, send us another email. Include a copy of your old license key, tell us that you’re no longer a student but you’d like to continue using Zerene Stacker, and tell us what kind of license you’d like to upgrade to.

In reply we’ll send you instructions on how to order the upgrade, so you can sleep guilt-free again.

The upgrade costs only the difference in license prices, so you get full credit for purchasing the Student Edition license to start.

stacker/docs/purchasing/studentedition.txt · Last modified: 2016/01/21 18:38 by rjlittlefield
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