Zerene Stacker

This is an old revision of the document!

Zerene Stacker Beta Testing Downloads

Looking for an explanation of how our “beta channel” works? See HERE for an explanation.

Note: Because these beta versions are downloaded relatively few times, they are sometimes not recognized as known good software by anti-malware packages. You may have to override your anti-malware's behavior of refusing to run unrecognized software.

If you have other security concerns about the beta installers, please see How To Validate A Download.

Current beta is:

  • macOS (Intel cpu): ZS-MacOSX-SA-T2021-02-06-2026-beta.zip, downloads as a .zip file that automatically expands into an application bundle named ZereneStacker (.app).
    This is the recommended bundle for modern Intel Macs running macOS 10.14 or above. It is self-contained and includes its own Java 11 runtime environment.
    Length 45,909,045 bytes
    MD5 checksum a353b70c9c1331b19ea3e4a321b8caab
    SHA-1 checksum 0fbb459b2cc56e34e89b9bcc35b7b4e2579bca10
  • macOS (M-series ARM cpu): ZS-MacOSX-ARM-SA-T2021-02-06-2026-beta.zip, downloads as a .zip file that automatically expands into an application bundle named ZereneStacker (.app).
    This is the recommended bundle for modern Macs with ARM cpu (“Apple silicon”). It is self-contained and includes its own Java 11 runtime environment.
    Length 45,017,193 bytes
    MD5 checksum 305f7834f39615877d8c2c909fa31c8c
    SHA-1 checksum 86d288bf10bd263dbd89088b73bc906cd81a45dc
  • macOS (interim): ZS-MacOSXinterim-SA-T2021-02-06-2026-beta.zip, downloads as a .zip file that automatically expands into an application bundle named ZereneStacker (.app).
    This bundle is suitable for Macs running macOS 10.9 through 10.14. It is self-contained and includes its own Java runtime environment.
    Length 52,526,673 bytes
    MD5 checksum 6aa361b5cf56c65ff8c8a31b24fde2f2
    SHA-1 checksum
  • Mac OS X (old): ZS-MacOSXold-SA-T2021-02-06-2026-beta.zip, downloads as an application bundle named ZereneStacker (.app).
    This bundle is not self-contained. It requires a Java runtime environment installed by Apple, and will prompt for installation of Java if one is not already installed. It runs as 64-bit where the processor and operating system support it, and as 32-bit otherwise.
    Length 8,647,434 bytes
    MD5 checksum 31b55cae6a6941fea07a16270c5d7d46
    SHA-1 checksum

Note: On Macintosh and Linux, if you already have Zerene Stacker installed and are downloading a new version to update it, then you need to manually move the old version to trash, and move or rename the new version to replace it. Otherwise both versions will continue to be available, and you will run whichever one you happen to click on. For further information, see the FAQS on “Installing and Updating”. On Mac, when trashing out the old version, do NOT allow any third party uninstaller or cleanup applications like “AppCleaner” to run. In their enthusiasm to eliminate files that they think are not used, they're likely to also delete files you really do need, like your license key and Zerene Stacker configuration files.


Compared to the previous beta T2020-10-25-1049-beta, this T2021-02-06-2026-beta contains the following improvements:

  • Added native build for Apple Silicon cpu (ARM cpu) on macOS.
  • Bug fixes
    • “File > Remove from list” now removes cached copy of converted TIFF.
    • StackShot controller now saves 6 digits for step size in predefined setups.
    • StackShot controller, allow skipping shortcut in ramp parameter settings, to work around a controller box glitch.
    • DOF calculator clarifies the meaning of “Step overlap”.
  • User Interface:
    • Include File > Exit menu item in all Mac configurations.
    • Stereo calculator panel, use “P” instead of Unicode checkmark which may be absent from installed fonts.

Compared to the current production T2020-05-22-1330, this T2021-02-06-2026-beta also contains the following improvements:

  • Added macro/micro DOF Calculator.
  • Added Stereo Shift Calculator.
  • Improvements to capability for finding missing source files:
    • Can now tolerate loss of leading/trailing spaces in names.
    • Can tolerate references to recognized but inaccessible devices.
    • Works cleanly when launched by double-click on the project file.
  • User interface:
    • Added estimators for wall clock time to completion:
      • Main progress bar – time to complete current task.
      • StackShot controller panel – time to shoot stack.
  • User interface:
    • Added a Dark Mode option (at Options > Preferences > Look & Feel).
    • Stereo preview:
      • Added control buttons to swap sides and stop preview.
      • Added Look & Feel option to allow controlling pan/zoom with just the mouse, no spacebar needed.
    • Added keyboard shortcut for Save Project.
  • Bug fix:
    • Batch > Slabbing default output naming template now reflects PMax vs DMap.
  • Image saving:
    • Expose all TIFF compression modes provided by underlying javax.imageio libraries.

Please immediately inform support@zerenesystems.com if you encounter any difficulties or odd behavior with this beta version. Be sure to send a console log if appropriate – instructions for that are provided HERE.

A complete list of modifications can be read in the Modification History.

Previous beta was:

stacker/softwaredownloads/currentbeta.1612747387.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/02/08 01:23 by rjlittlefield
Copyright 2009-2024, Zerene Systems LLC, all rights reserved.