Zerene Stacker

This is an old revision of the document!

Zerene Stacker Beta Testing Downloads

Looking for an explanation of how our “beta channel” works? See HERE for an explanation.

Note: Because these beta versions are downloaded relatively few times, they are sometimes not recognized as known good software by anti-malware packages. You may have to override your anti-malware's behavior of refusing to run unrecognized software.

If you have other security concerns about the beta installers, please see How To Validate A Download.

Current beta is:

  • macOS (Intel cpu): ZS-MacOSX-SA-T2021-04-24-1600-beta.zip, downloads as a .zip file that automatically expands into an application bundle named ZereneStacker (.app).
    This is the recommended bundle for modern Intel Macs running macOS 10.14 or above. It is self-contained and includes its own Java 11 runtime environment.
    Length 45,908,362 bytes
    MD5 checksum a7123d77009567ebe060f903221cfec7
    SHA-1 checksum c30ae3ec625890471c10c03ae33b9b9119334eef
  • macOS (M-series ARM cpu): ZS-MacOSX-ARM-SA-T2021-04-24-1600-beta.zip, downloads as a .zip file that automatically expands into an application bundle named ZereneStacker (.app).
    This is the recommended bundle for modern Macs with ARM cpu (“Apple silicon”). It is self-contained and includes its own ARM-native Java 11 runtime environment. Rosetta is required for the launch program and a few helper programs – so macOS will report the package as “Intel” – but all the heavy computation runs ARM-native.
    Length 45,019,479 bytes
    MD5 checksum ee98927ca9435c89a2deb4030e88f0ad
    SHA-1 checksum 3a6038ef9a9661d89d489b6fd070425310d079ec
  • macOS (interim): ZS-MacOSXinterim-SA-T2021-04-24-1600-beta.zip, downloads as a .zip file that automatically expands into an application bundle named ZereneStacker (.app).
    This bundle is suitable for Macs running macOS 10.9 through 10.14. It is self-contained and includes its own Java runtime environment.
    Length 52,528,047 bytes
    MD5 checksum 7881f65cf43cf5fc2fd21e44d6af35d4
    SHA-1 checksum
  • Mac OS X (old): ZS-MacOSXold-SA-T2021-04-24-1600-beta.zip, downloads as an application bundle named ZereneStacker (.app).
    This bundle is not self-contained. It requires a Java runtime environment installed by Apple, and will prompt for installation of Java if one is not already installed. It runs as 64-bit where the processor and operating system support it, and as 32-bit otherwise.
    Length 8,648,844 bytes
    MD5 checksum 06cfd073ee49dbae0b7acaf7b6444b6a
    SHA-1 checksum

Note: On Macintosh and Linux, if you already have Zerene Stacker installed and are downloading a new version to update it, then you need to manually move the old version to trash, and move or rename the new version to replace it. Otherwise both versions will continue to be available, and you will run whichever one you happen to click on. For further information, see the FAQS on “Installing and Updating”. On Mac, when trashing out the old version, do NOT allow any third party uninstaller or cleanup applications like “AppCleaner” to run. In their enthusiasm to eliminate files that they think are not used, they're likely to also delete files you really do need, like your license key and Zerene Stacker configuration files.

This T2021-04-24-1600-beta is functionally equivalent to the current full release T2021-04-24-1600.

Please immediately inform support@zerenesystems.com if you encounter any difficulties or odd behavior with this beta version. Be sure to send a console log if appropriate – instructions for that are provided HERE.

A complete list of modifications can be read in the Modification History.

stacker/softwaredownloads/currentbeta.1619822614.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/04/30 22:43 by rjlittlefield
Copyright 2009-2024, Zerene Systems LLC, all rights reserved.