Zerene Stacker

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Zerene Stacker Downloads

Downloads of Zerene Stacker are a 30-day free trial for new users, and the initial download or free update for licensed users.

There is really only one version of the software. With no license key installed, it runs in time-limited trial mode. Installing a license key unlocks features for unlimited use.

Note: Due to its relatively small distribution, Zerene Stacker is sometimes identified by malware protection software as “untrusted”. We have also seen a few false-positive indications where a Zerene Stacker installer was erroneously identified as containing some sort of malware. If you have any difficulties with installation, or any security concerns about the installers, please see How To Validate A Download and/or contact support@zerenesystems.com for help.

The current production version of Zerene Stacker is Build T2021-05-27-1130 (May 27, 2021), as follows:

  • macOS (Intel cpu): ZS-MacOSX-SA-T2021-05-27-1130.zip, downloads as a .zip file that automatically expands into an application bundle named ZereneStacker (.app).
    This is the recommended bundle for modern Intel Macs running macOS 10.14 or above. It is self-contained and includes its own Java 11 runtime environment.
    Length 45,910,448 bytes
    MD5 checksum 9138eef0f4d2796f74a72ad98f4a0898
    SHA-1 checksum a6b862034d286cb6dfb3f55f492abb1ffc9635b8
  • macOS (M-series ARM cpu): ZS-MacOSX-ARM-SA-T2021-05-27-1130.zip, downloads as a .zip file that automatically expands into an application bundle named ZereneStacker (.app).
    This is the recommended bundle for modern Macs with ARM cpu (“Apple silicon”). It is self-contained and includes its own ARM-native Java 11 runtime environment. Rosetta is required for the launch program and a few helper programs – so macOS will report the package as “Intel” – but all the heavy computation runs ARM-native.
    Length 45,021,849 bytes
    MD5 checksum 2e2d004bd20c5d9c0435e318beb3bd5f
    SHA-1 checksum 1473836c9003b74ab958b6c1675f18605f233fae
  • macOS (interim): ZS-MacOSXinterim-SA-T2021-05-27-1130.zip, downloads as a .zip file that automatically expands into an application bundle named ZereneStacker (.app).
    This bundle is suitable for Macs running macOS 10.9 through 10.14. It is self-contained and includes its own Java runtime environment.
    Length 52,529,304 bytes
    MD5 checksum b3811318a5035b2168c945fbe74c989f
    SHA-1 checksum 6f458331e0c9d3aee618ad7cb617e13586385e6d
  • Mac OS X (old): ZS-MacOSXold-SA-T2021-05-27-1130.zip, downloads as an application bundle named ZereneStacker (.app).
    This bundle is not self-contained. It requires a Java runtime environment installed by Apple, and will prompt for installation of Java if one is not already installed. It runs as 64-bit where the processor and operating system support it, and as 32-bit otherwise.
    Length 8,650,092 bytes
    MD5 checksum 7569fe343307dde7729e8fc08fffe997
    SHA-1 checksum a1657f95bbc252f0e0533ac588a1e29ca681c656

See the modification history for description of changes.

The most current beta testing version can be downloaded HERE.

Previous production versions are still available in the downloads archive.

stacker/softwaredownloads.1622149412.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/05/27 21:03 by rjlittlefield
Copyright 2009-2024, Zerene Systems LLC, all rights reserved.